The Queertango Festival Berlin is great venue to experience that roles like leading and following are open to everybody. This year again with an intense Contact Tango Workshop: Thursday 24. July “connection and separation in joyful game” by Tobias Funke
Visit Festival page for more information and registration:
http://www.queertangofestival-berlin.de/en/index.htmlConnection and separation in joyful game
In the Contact-Tango seminar we will concentrate on ourselves and the connection to our partner. We go through a set of partner bodywork from Contact Improvisation that is related to Tango movements and postures. You can experience small movements which have huge impact on your partner and others that leave a lot open. You might use this bodywork to integrate more parts of your body into lead or following. Spiced with improvisation training, we transform all elements into joyful improvised "soltadas" of intense connection.
Visit Festival page for more information and registration:
http://www.queertangofestival-berlin.de/en/index.htmlConnection and separation in joyful game
In the Contact-Tango seminar we will concentrate on ourselves and the connection to our partner. We go through a set of partner bodywork from Contact Improvisation that is related to Tango movements and postures. You can experience small movements which have huge impact on your partner and others that leave a lot open. You might use this bodywork to integrate more parts of your body into lead or following. Spiced with improvisation training, we transform all elements into joyful improvised "soltadas" of intense connection.